Nurse's Corner
Jamie Benevento, RN, MSN, CSN-NJ
973-244-7890 x105 (PHONE)
973-521-7909 (FAX)
Welcome to the School Health Services Page
At Essex Valley School, our dedicated school nurse is an essential partner in creating a healthy and supportive learning environment for every student. Our school nurse provides comprehensive care that includes administering medications, managing chronic health conditions, and responding to emergencies. They also educate students and staff on pertinent health topics, fostering a culture of health and well-being within our school. By collaborating with families, teachers, and community health resources, their work ensures a safe and healthy school environment, contributing to students' overall success and academic achievement.
Illness/Injury/Health Status Changes:
If your child is experiencing any change in their medical status or has been newly diagnosed with asthma, food allergy, or any other acute or chronic condition, please alert the school nurse.
Injuries such as fractures, stitches etc. must also be reported and accompanied by a note from the doctor/health care provider stating any restrictions for gym and recess.
Crutches, casts, splints or orthopedic boots require a doctor’s note.
When to Keep Your Child Home:
• an elevation in temperature (100 degrees or more). *Your child should remain home until fever-free for 24 hours without acetaminophen (tylenol) or ibuprofen (motrin/advil).
• any vomiting or diarrhea. *Your child should remain home until vomiting and/or diarrhea has stopped for 24 hours and food is tolerated.
• any contagious illness (strep throat, persistent cough, unidentified rash, etc.) that could infect others, distract your child or disrupt the class. *Physician's note will be needed to return.
Health Screenings:
Students are screened for height, weight, blood pressure, vision, and hearing according to New Jersey Department of Education guidelines. Parents are notified about any abnormalities, as necessary.
Medication may not be given in school without a written prescription from the doctor/health care provider, and written permission from the parent/guardian. This applies to both prescription and over the counter medications. Diagnosis of asthma, food allergy and epilepsy require an action plan.
• Asthma Treatment Plan
• Seizure Action Plan
• Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
Students are not permitted to carry medicine. A parent/guardian must bring all medications to the health office, in the original, labeled container.
• Medication Administration in School Form
NJ Family Care – Insurance program for uninsured NJ families. Information can be obtained by calling: 1-800-701-0710 or visit the website.
Food Allergy and Asthma Network—For information on food allergies and asthma.
CDC Healthy Youth - For information on a wide variety of common childhood illnesses and current recommended treatment and prevention.